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 Interrogative Sentences of Present Simple Tense

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Messages : 2723
Réputation : 1
Date d'inscription : 01/04/2020

Interrogative Sentences of Present Simple Tense Empty
MessageSujet: Interrogative Sentences of Present Simple Tense   Interrogative Sentences of Present Simple Tense Icon_minitimeJeu 15 Aoû - 14:43

Interrogative Sentences of Present Simple Tense

Do you like pizza?
Aimez-vous la pizza?
Interrogative Sentences of Present Simple Tense Like11
Interrogative Sentences of Present Simple Tense Play11Does he play the piano?
Joue-t-il du piano?
Do they go to the gym regularly?
Vont-ils régulièrement à la salle de sport ?
Interrogative Sentences of Present Simple Tense Go_to_11

Does the sun rise in the east?

Do birds sing in the morning?

Can she speak French?

Do we need an umbrella today?

Does he understand the problem?

Do you travel every year?

Does she use a computer at work?

Do cats like milk?

Does the store close at 6 PM?

Do you believe in magic?

Does he write poetry?

Do they speak English at home?

Does she work on holidays?

Do we have school tomorrow?

Does the train stop here?

Do you play any musical instruments?

Does it rain often in the summer?

Do you enjoy cooking?

Does he read books?

Do they watch television every night?

Does the sun set in the west?

Do birds migrate in winter?

Can she drive a car?

Do we need to buy groceries?

Does he drink tea or coffee?

Do you exercise every day?

Does she clean her room regularly?

Do cats sleep a lot?

Does the museum open on Mondays?

Do you like gardening?

Does he study hard for his exams?

Do they play sports on weekends?

Does the sun feel warm today?

Do you speak more than one language?

Does she enjoy hiking in the mountains?

Do they have a pet dog?

Does the library open early on weekdays?

Do you prefer tea or coffee?

Does he work late on weekdays?

Do they clean their house regularly?

Does the garden need watering?

Do you know how to swim?

Does she like to dance?

Do they celebrate Thanksgiving?

Does the train run on time?

Do you have siblings?
  • Avez-vous des frères et sœurs?

Does he play any sports?

Do you walk to school?

Does she bake cakes?

Do they live in the city?

Does the moon affect the tides?

Do you watch movies on weekends?

Does he wear glasses?

Do they enjoy camping?

Does the car need fuel?

Do you use social media?

Does she teach math?

Do you visit your grandparents often?

Does he take photographs?

Do they have music lessons?

Does the river freeze in winter?

Do you like spicy food?

Does she know how to knit?

Do they travel during holidays?

Does the clock work properly?

Do you like to draw?

Does he play the guitar?

Do they go fishing?

Does the sun help plants grow?

Do you have a favorite book?

Does she watch the news?

Do they use public transportation?

Does the phone ring often?

Do you drink enough water?

Does he enjoy science fiction movies?

Do they go to bed early?

Does the computer work well?

Do you like to sing?

Does she practice yoga?

Do they eat out often?

Does the weather change quickly here?

Do you have a hobby?

Does he collect anything?

Do they play board games?

Does the sun rise early in the summer?

Do you have a pet?

Does she make her own clothes?

Do they study together?

Does the train have a dining car?

Do you like winter sports?

Does he follow a routine?

Do they recycle at home?

Does the park close at dusk?

Do you believe in ghosts?

Does she have a green thumb?

Do they watch documentaries?

Does the wind blow often?
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Interrogative Sentences of Present Simple Tense
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