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 Simple future tense

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Messages : 2726
Réputation : 1
Date d'inscription : 01/04/2020

Simple future tense Empty
MessageSujet: Simple future tense   Simple future tense Icon_minitimeMar 4 Juin - 18:30

The simple future tense is used for an action that will occur in the future.  
    - John will bake a cake.
    - They will paint the fence.

The Moscow State Circus will perform in Cheltenham next year.
Le cirque d'État de Moscou se produira à Cheltenham l'année prochaine.
We will celebrate our anniversary by flying to New York.
Nous fêterons notre anniversaire en nous rendant à New York.
Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later. (Author Og Mandino)
Faites toujours de votre mieux. Ce que vous plantez maintenant, vous le récolterez plus tard. (Auteur Og Mandino)
What we achieve inwardly will change outer reality. (Greek biographer Plutarch)
Ce que nous réalisons intérieurement changera la réalité extérieure. (Plutarque, biographe grec)

The simple future tense is formed:
[subject] will + base form of the verb
       -  Martin will paint.
       -  She'll play.
(Note: "Will" can be shortened to "'ll" in English.)
If you need the negative version, you can use the following word order:
 [subject]will not + base form of the verb
        - The Moscow State Circus will not perform in Cheltenham next year.
        - We won't celebrate our anniversary by flying to New York.

(Note: "Will not" can be shortened to "
won't" in English.)
If you need to ask a question
  • For a yes/no question Arrow you can use the following word order:
    Will + [subject] + base form of verb
    Will the Moscow State Circus perform in Cheltenham next year?
    Will we celebrate our anniversary by flying to New York?

  • With a question word Arrow you can use the following word order:
    Question Word + will + [subject] + base form of verb
    - When will the Moscow State Circus perform in Cheltenham?
    - How will we celebrate our anniversary in New York?

  • For a choice questionyou can use the following word order:
    Will + [subject] + base form of verb + choice A + or + choice B
    - Will the Moscow State Circus perform in Oxford or Cambridge?
    - Will we celebrate our anniversary on Friday or Saturday?

It is common for will to be shortened to 'll
I will  Arrow I
he will Arrow he'll
she will Arrow she'll
you will Arrow you'll
we will Arrow we'll
they will Arrow they'll
It is common for will not to be shortened to won't
I will not  Arrow
will not Arrow he won't
will not Arrow she won't
will not Arrow you won't
will not Arrow we won't
will not Arrow they won't

Simple future tense - QCM 
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